Hi. This is the demo page of a new technique of JavaScript powered fades.
Just hover over this paragraph.
See? It fades. Whoa.
Write your basic CSS rules for the start and end states. Example:
.quickdemo { margin : 10px; height : 40px; line-height : 40px; text-align : center; background : #EEE; font-size : 1em; color : #D44; border : 1px solid #CCC; } .quickdemo:hover { background : #FFF; border-color : #000; color : #F00; font-size : 2em; }
These rules should be inserted into one of your stylesheets so that the browser recognizes it.
That fader needs to know what to fade, when to fade and how to fade. Create a new CSS-file and put the following lines into it:
.quickdemo:-js-action(:hover) { /* fade on :hover */ -js-fade-steps : 8; /* from .quickdemo to .quickdemo:hover in 8 steps */ -js-fade-delay : 15ms; /* delay between steps */ }
One day I will explain this one.
Now you have to include the fading script into the HTML code. Download the necessary files (Dean Edward's cssQuery-p.js, my script.js and my mod_fade.js), put them into an appropriate directory and link them in your HTML. Example:
<script src="cssQuery-p.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="mod_fade.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Finally, you have to tell the script the location of your options file. Therefore, insert
a style element with a Conditional Comment @import
ing your options file:
<style type="text/css"> /*[if js]/ @import url('fade.css') -js-fade; /[endif]*/ </style>
That's it. Tada.
Currently there is only one further demo:
This is a demonstration of what can be achieved by changing the background-position
(yep, the image isn't faded, but the position). Look at the background image used for the effect.